
  • What a Long Strange Trip It's Been

    Nearly ten years ago – seriously! – I heard about this blogging thing and decided I would figure out what it was all about. So I installed Movable Type on a hosting account I had sitting around collecting dust. At the time, it was running on version 2.64….

  • Move Thunderbird Signature for Identity

    One difficulty in current versions of Thunderbird is that even if you have set the preference to move the signature line related to the quote, it will not be saved correctly. Luckily there is a way to move this manually. The only problem is that it is a…

  • VC8 Library was not Installed Correctly

    Another week, another software problem. But this one isn't coming from Microsoft. No, this time it is Logitech who is causing issues. Though I waffle between keyboards from time to time, my mouse is almost always Logitech, because they are just so comfortable. These days it is really…

  • Cannot Redeclare Class 'MT' in mt.php

    While the dynamic publishing model of Movable Type is not heavily used, it is actually a very useful feature. Probably not as a complete CMS – mostly because it is not full-featured – but certainly to provide some nice functionality on the side as it were. Unfortunately the…

  • Windows Update Error 0x8ddd0018

    Another less-than-friendly hex error from our friends at Windows Update. Why is it that they cannot write things out and just tell you what the problem is, or even better, how to fix it? That I do not know. But like last time, the problem here is not…

  • Hash Line Over-Indented

    Have you run into this error while trying to update your plugins from the legacy-style Perl format to a brand-spanking-new YAML layout, only to find that you can't seem to figure out just what the problem is? Spending hour after hour troubleshooting and still getting that annoying message…

  • How Would You Like to Share Today?

    With the incredible explosion of social media, there are social media sites everywhere. Any time you turn around, it seems there is another one. I'm not just talking about the big boys, like Facebook and Twitter, either. Mister Wong, anyone?(Sadly, Mister Wong is no longer with us.) Cool…

  • There Are No TiVo DVRs Available on the Network

    While TiVoToGo (TTG) is not the most reliable piece of software out there, and often just being able to transfer shows from one TiVo to another is much more useful, there are times when being able to save shows to a computer for later retrieval is a nice…

  • An Error Occurred While Trying to Find Updates

    Much like the Windows Update Errors I mentioned previously, it seems that Firefox has similar problems. Unlike those from Windows Update, however, these at least return a somewhat-friendly message, which helps a bit. So instead of getting a cryptic hex number, you are given a message that reads…

  • Windows Update Errors

    There is no doubt that Windows Update is one of those things that has made life both easier and more complex for everyone. The process of receiving updates is now nearly transparent and can generally be painless – unless something goes wrong, in which case you get errors…