Modifying MT Search
As I mentioned yesterday, I recently managed to hack the Movable Type search module in order to provide Last-Modified dates on my search results. This is useful, as it may help save in bandwidth costs. Instead of having a Last-Modified date of whenever the search was run, the…
Verification Image with PHP
I'm sure you've seen those images that display a changing value in them, something that you have to read and then type into a field so that you verify that you're human (the assumption being that a machine couldn't read the image to extract the text). They're everywhere….
Movable Type Full Word Search
Prior to its integration into Movable Type, the MT-Search module allowed the ability to toggle between full-word and partial-word searches. For instance, if you searched on full words for out, you would get out in the results. But not outdoors, outliner or even outrageous. Unfortunately, that functionality isn't…
More AS400 SQL
I'm sure everyone else already knows this stuff, but since I use my blog for reference when I don't feel like trying to look things up, I'm going to do another piece on SQL. Specifically, another piece on SQL subselects….
Close Your Tags in XHTML
During some conversations today, I found out that neither my experimental site nor my regular site was rendering in Mozilla. The culprit is not a new one. I had added some formatting to the page and forgot to close my tags….
Licensing Theory
Yesterday I mentioned the disturbing trend of our society to take what can legally be taken. Common courtesy be damned. I really think people ought to consider the consequences of screwing their neighbor, but hey. That's up to you….
Infrastructure Upgrades
I often have to change the location of web pages, and try to make sure nothing breaks in the process. Ideally, you won't see any changes at all, and clients won't lose any functionality whatsoever….
I had to use more SQL than usual the other day. It had been a while since I had much call to use SQL in my job for something more than a simple query, however. I needed to use it to update some records in a file as…
Moron IP Banning
Okay, so I'm a moron. While it was an entertaining exercise, yesterday's bit about using PHP to block IP addresses probably wasn't completely necessary. Yes, that's right – Movable Type has IP banning built right in. So I just add the IP address to the list, and the…
Combating Comment Spam
Three times in the last week I received comment spam. If you happened across it while reading one of my entries, I apologize for not getting to it quickly enough. All traces of those comments should be gone, but if you notice more, please let me know about…