Mozilla Extensions
Recently I completed my first extension for Mozilla. It was a good experience. Though not particularly well documented, the extensibility of Mozilla is excellent. I thought I'd share a few tips on the process. I had to dig for most of this, so some of my conclusions may…
Bloglines Toolkit 0.9.0
Today I am releasing a new version of the Bloglines Toolkit for Mozilla. This version was created after receiving some great input from those who downloaded the initial release….
Extending Mozilla
After nearly three months, I'm still using Mozilla's Firefox as my default browser. It's just too good not to do so. Since I recently switched hosts, I decided to take a better look at my stats. It seems that somewhere around 5% of you agree with my decision…
Moving Movable Type
It turns out that it was surprisingly easy to move from one host to another. I'd love to think it's simply my own brilliance, but let's be honest here. Much of the work was easy because I had a copy of the data on my own PC. It…
Revisiting the Browser
After two weeks or so, I'm still using Mozilla Firefox as my primary browser. I haven't yet completely dumped MSIE, but I have only fired it up two or three times thus far. Primarily to check and see if the problems I was having in Firefox were browser-related…
Kicking IE to the Curb
It was bound to happen. Microsoft's Internet Explorer finally just broke. Nothing fancy, no bells, whistles or fireworks. It just died. For some unknown reason, cookies are no longer working. There are a handful that are set, and more are accepted because they keep piling up. But the…
AS400 SQL Concatenation
I needed to concatenate some information in a table, and I wanted to do it with a SQL query, but I could not for the life of me figure out how to combine the two strings (one a constant, the other a field name) in order to produce…
Anchors Away!
I was redesigning the plugin pages to get the documentation into a useful format, and found that I needed an anchor tag so that the reader could jump to a particular place in the document….
Attach an SQL Database
The other day, I had the need to attach to a Microsoft SQL Server database that a customer had sent on CD. Not a backup mind you, just the raw files. Took me a little while to figure out this puzzler, so I figured I'd post it here…
Atom and Movable Type
I took a look at the default template for an Atom feed, introduced in Movable Type v2.65. This template seems to be where much of the new stuff fits into the new release….