
  • XP Pro and iTunes

    I recently downloaded iTunes and have been giving it a test run to see how well it works. All in all, I have to say that I'm impressed. I rarely buy music these days, but when I've wanted something, I just jump over to the ITMS and pick…

  • Toolbar Frustration

    I'm trying to build a toolbar icon for Firefox. The strange thing is that I can create the toolbar icon itself (ie, when I drag it out of the pallete of potential toolbar items to put it on the toolbar), in both small and large varieties, but I…

  • Flashblock in Firefox

    During the process of checking things out recently, I noticed that Shockwave Flash movies had stopped displaying in Firefox at some point. I think it was the loading of 0.9. So I went through the ritual of uninstalling and reinstalling, but it didn't really help. Then I started…

  • Firefox Update

    More than one site has mentioned a new point release (0.9.3) for Firefox. While this is apparently the case, the download link on the front page does not point to the setup for 0.9.3 – it points to 0.9.2. Using a little creativity, you can munge the URL…

  • Real Player in Firefox

    I was wandering the web and came across some content that was presented in Real format, which Firefox didn't seem to support. One problem was that I didn't have any version of the Real Player installed. The other problem was that I didn't particularly want to install the…

  • Movable Type v3.1 Announcement

    Ben and Mena are at center stage now, announcing the new Movable Type 3.1 product. It's scheduled to go into beta soon, and should be released next month. Ben said last night at the developer's dinner that it would be August 31 (cute again), but that date hasn't…

  • Bloglines Toolkit 1.4.0

    I received a note from Simon about an extra separator line in the context menu appearing, even though the context menu had been disabled. He even sent me the code where it was happening! So I've whipped up another version of the toolkit. The only change is that…

  • Bloglines Toolkit 1.3.0

    I think I've finally squashed all the issues with the Bloglines Toolkit. If the toolkit appears to be installed when you view it in the extension manager, but you aren't able to activate the context menu and the logo doesn't appear in the lower right-hand corner of your…

  • Bloglines Toolkit 1.2.0

    I just received a call from USAirways, telling me that the flight was delayed for 70 minutes, so I decided to poke around with Firefox 0.9, now that it's been released. Turns out most (all?) of the extensions that previously worked work no longer. I miss many….

  • Recursive OPML Data

    While it isn't commonly used, the OPML spec allows for recursive data – that is, folders with folders within folders. However, until Version 2.0.0 of MT-Outliner, you couldn't get at this data easily – at least not for displaying it on your Movable Type-powered blog. Now I've added…