
  • More Dirify Options

    Way back when, I changed my permalink methods so that I would end up with more useful link names. More useful to me, and perhaps to you as well. Over time, this generally worked very well. But as time wore on, I found more and more often I…

  • Bloglines Toolkit 1.5.1

    About a week ago, I pushed a new version of the Bloglines Toolkit to the site. This version, 1.5.1, does not change anything function-wise, but it does unify the toolkit into a single package containing multiple localizations. Okay, multiple might be a bit much. It has the English…

  • More Pending Comments

    In the last example, I showed you how to list pending comments so that you may easily delete them. This actually works and you should be fine with it. However, there are some other changes that you may want to make so that this feature will be better…

  • List Pending Comments

    So MT-Moderate automatically moderates most comments that you'll want moderated. This is a huge step in blocking comment spam. If it doesn't show up on the site, then that's most of the battle. In fact, for some people, it is all of the battle. All you have to…

  • Trying Trillian Pro

    I tried to like GAIM. I really did. As good as it is, I just couldn't quite get it. So I'm back to Trillian. I finally heard back from Cerulean Studios (makers of Trillian) on my payment. According to the email, they are having problems with PayPal payments….

  • Multiple Domains with Exchange 2003

    I've been setting up three new domains on an Exchange 2003 server for a few days. It really isn't that difficult, but it's taken me a bit to get used to working with 2003. It's a lot different (a lot more integrated) than previously. Of course, 2000 versions…

  • Software Vulnerabilities

    A story mentions that 4 minutes is all it takes for a computer when first connected to the Internet. Four minutes! That's not even enough time to download the latest patches that you need to protect you from those hackers. I just read another story where this guy…

  • Moron Counting

    After talking more with Seth (who has his own plugin for counting entries in sub-categories), it appears that <$MTCategoryCount$> includes both draft entries and published ones….

  • Sub-Category Counting

    Arvind raised a good question on the Six Apart Pronet mailing list about counting entries within sub-categories….

  • Skinning Movable Type

    Arvind has taken the dutchpink update to the Movable Type interface and built a hack that should make it easier to add other skins in the future. I haven't installed it, but it appears that you'll need PHP for the hack, and also need to make some updates…