Can Dell's Automatic Updates Get Any Worse?
I know that everyone complains about Microsoft, and I've certainly done my share of Redmond-bashing, but I have to say that their automatic updates do a pretty darn good job. They can get awfully annoying, and from time to time there is one that goes awry, but overall…
The Great Charlotte Gas Shortage of 2008
It's times like this that I wished that I had some better way of displaying headlines. I don't know what, exactly. Maybe a big flashing sign. Or perhaps a rotating banner. Just something, because a story like this just begs for something more than text. I could always…
Installing PerlMagick in Windows IIS
You would think that when an application installation offers to install a component for you, it would do what it is suggesting. Unfortunately, if the application in question is ImageMagick – and more specifically if we are talking about the PerlMagick component of ImageMagick for Windows, then the…
Old-time Gas Pumps Close to the End of Their Lives
Those of us who live in the big city (as if Charlotte is a big city) may not be aware of this problem, but it seems that there is a problem with some gas pumps in the world. Not the ones with electronic digital displays, but those that…
Populate Slimbox with a List of Photos
Now that you have Slimbox up and running, you don't really want to manually create a bunch of links to it, do you? I mean you can, simply by adding the standard rel="lightbox" tag to your photos. But what if you have a bunch of photos? Or more…
DaVinci Last Supper Music Sample
By now, I'm sure you've heard about the possibility that Leondardo DaVinci may have hidden notes in The Last Supper. Whether this is true or not will certainly be a matter of debate – or something you dismiss. But it's certainly an interesting theory. I think that most…
Installing Image::Magick on a Media Temple (dv)
I recently ran into an issue where a (dv) server hosted on Media Temple didn't seem to have Image::Magick installed. That makes some tasks in Movable Type more difficult (or downright impossible), so that in turn means that it's time to figure out how to make it happen!…
Make the Most of Your Email at Pair Networks
I have used Pair Networks as a host for my sites for some time. It's been so long that I actually had to look it up to see how long. It turns out that it's been more than two years already. In all that time, I have had…
Bury My Memory at the Mall (Please Spare Me)
It seems like every day I pass by some new sign – I mean an actual sign – that tells me about something that happened somewhere. The memorial bridge to Bob, a t-shirt that extolls the virtue of the thug who died in a hail of bullets, someone's…
How Much Pre-empting is Too Much?
While we sit through shows with commercials advertising hundreds of stations (or those of us without DVRs do, at any rate), and even basic cable has dozens of channels, and as broadband and cell phone penetration reaches something of a saturation point, when is pre-empting going to be…
Improve Performance with Dynamic and Static Pages
The debate between dynamic and static pages is probably one that will go on for all time. If you are a fan of Douglas Adams, and believe that his work represents a possible outcome to the universe, perhaps it will even go on beyond time. If so, order…
Are USAirways In-Flight Movies Worth $10 Million?
According to what I've read, the reports are saying that domestic flights from USAirways are undergoing a bit of a makeover – they are having hardware removed so that they will no longer be able to show in-flight movies. This makeover will allegedly save $10 million per year…