• How to Fix a Common MT4 Feed Formatting Error

    Over the last few years, the term beta has been somewhat misused. It used to be that when you used beta software, you expected to encounter problems. But when Google started throwing around the term for its offerings, people came to expect that beta software wasn't so bad….

  • Easily Create and Even Edit PDF Files

    Though Microsoft would probably wish that things were different, these days we come across the ubiquitous PDF almost constantly. The wonderful thing about the PDF is that just about anyone can read it, which isn't always the case with documents created in a word processor. While a lot…

  • 25th Annual Mint Hill Madness

    The 25th annual Mint Hill Madness festival was held this weekend, and it was quite an improvement over years past. Held at Mint Hill Park on Fairview, the event has seen dramatic growth recently – as has just about every event in the area. It's hard to imagine…

  • Licensing Gone Awry

    It strikes me as I'm driving down the road (listening to the radio) that perhaps things have gone a bit far when it comes to licensing. Now don't get me wrong, I understand that people want to protect their property – whether it is intellectual property, such as…

  • 43rd Annual Festival in the Park

    Yesterday we visited the 2007 edition of the Festival in the Park – the 43rd go-round of this annual staple at Freedom Park. As is usually the case for the event, the streets around the park are absolutely packed – so you'll want to be prepared to walk…

  • Maybe we Should Hide the Emergency Locator Beacon

    Exactly six years ago today, our country underwent one of the most gut-wrenching moments in its existence. Nineteen people hijacked four airplanes were hijacked. Two of the planes crashed into – and eventually toppled – the world trade centers in New York City. One crashed into the Pentagon…

  • The Importance of Timing on Election Day

    With the primaries just a bit over two weeks away, I thought it important to mention a lesson that I learned slightly after the last election: The importance of timely material. More specifically the importance of the timely arrival of material. If you're like myself and millions of…

  • When is Zero not Really Zero?

    It's no secret that I don't really care much for politicians. Sure, I understand that they are necessary and all because we can't have complete anarchy (though a little bit might be nice). Maybe they could just get their nose out of everything and we'd be okay. But…

  • No TiVo DVRs available on the network

    If you have connected your TiVo to the network, then there is a good chance you have seen this message. Unfortunately, there is not much help from TiVo desktop in resolving this message, which can often be the case with errors, and can make your enjoyment of TiVo,…

  • Why Eastland Mall Must Go

    A few months back, the Charlotte Observer ran a story about how Eastland Mall must go. Unfortunately, the Observer has this policy where all of their articles older than a week or so are no longer available online (are you telling me if the New York Times can…

  • Configuring a Cisco 1721 for Use as a Broadband Router

    It's somewhat rare that I work with Cisco equipment these days, but it does happen from time to time. Those days that I do, I almost always end up glad that I don't do it more often. Of course, if I did it more often, I would probably…

  • Attracting More Bees with Honey

    I'm not always a fan of the cliche, but every once in a while, they do come in handy. For instance, I was in Office Depot one Sunday morning, picking up something, when suddenly a lady simply explodes on the cashier about how she absolutely has to get…