• What to Watch Out for When Upgrading Custom Fields

    If your Movable Type installation uses extra fields and you want to use MT4, then at this point, you really only have one option – Custom Fields. The plugin, currently in something of a perpetual beta because Arvind is in the US for school, allows you to easily…

  • Is Daylight Saving Time Worth the Hassle?

    If you live in the U.S., then chances are good that yesterday you had an extra hour of sleep. Of course, the chances are equally as good that you may have missed it, thinking that perhaps you were supposed to be up at the normal time, since you…

  • Install Movable Type 4 in Yahoo! Small Business

    While it seems that the Yahoo! Small Business web hosting packages continue to offer Movable Type as an option, and there has been some talk about Yahoo! not supporting MT4, while Six Apart doesn't really seem to support MT4 at Yahoo! Nice, huh? So what are you to…

  • Whatever Happened to Customer Service?

    In general, I consider myself to be a fairly easy-going person. Those of you who know me well may or may not agree, but it's typically the case that I don't get really worked up about very much. Where I do let things get under my skin is…

  • Nightmare on Independence

    With Halloween approaching, the most difficult of tasks was upon us – deciding what (and if) we would do in regards to a haunted house. The first problem is that admission fees have risen rather steeply in recent years, and the second is that our kids are at…

  • Install Movable Type Under Windows (IIS)

    Though the vast majority of installations I work with use LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl) to run Movable Type, there are also a few where my client would like to place Windows in that equation. While it's a possibility to run Apache on Windows, Internet Information Server (IIS)…

  • Dial C for Cell Phone Interference

    In the Cell Phones on Planes episodes of Mythbusters, it was shown both that cell phones could cause interference (in the homemade cockpit) and that cell phones probably would not cause interference (in a real cockpit that's probably more like real planes in use today). Of course, any…

  • Is Bruton Smith a Bully or a Genius?

    The news outlets have been abuzz recently with word that racing magnate Bruton Smith wants to build a drag strip at the Lowes Motor Speedway complex in Concord. This alone should hardly be newsworthy – Smith generally does what he wants and gets away with it. After all,…

  • Upgrading to Movable Type 4 with MTCommentFields

    By now, there's a reasonable chance that if you've wanted to upgrade to the latest release of Movable Type, you've done so. But you may still be waiting. Perhaps you're hoping that your favorite plugin will be updated (there are still a few that haven't been released for…

  • Making Your Movable Type Menus Snappy Again

    When Six Apart released the latest version of Movable Type, the software underwent a massive rewrite. The interface changed considerably from what it had been, and by most accounts it is a good change. There are, however, a few things that just don't work quite right. One of…

  • Is All Plastic Bad, or Only Certain Kinds?

    It's not uncommon to find people screaming at the top of their lungs that credit cards are bad. Of course, if you use just about anything incorrectly it can be bad. Frankly, I don't have anything against credit cards – I think that they are great, provided you…

  • Curiously Celebrating Christopher Columbus

    Today the United States – and to be fair, a number of other countries – celebrate Columbus Day. Unlike many other holidays named after a person, this one doesn't celebrate his birth (for the most part because no one knows exactly when he was born) but when he…