• How to Export Tags from Movable Type 3.3x

    Over on Learning Movable Type, Jaclyn asked why she wasn't able to get tags imported to a new MT4 installation. While Movable Type 4 includes an entry's tags in the import specifications, and also exports those tags when saving the data, no prior versions have exported the tags,…

  • Firefighters Sell You Tickets You Won't Use

    It's no secret that I'm not a fan of overpriced fundraisers. Just look at the Girl Scouts. I mean I'll eat some cookies and all, but the way they sell those overpriced boxes of heaven is just ridiculous. Why don't they just ask for the money? I don't…

  • Dynamic Movable Type or Static WordPress?

    As is fairly common, there has been a good amount of talk about how blogs manage to scale recently, and what has been interesting to see is the discussion around just what it is that is required to keep things running. Let's assume that you've decided not to…

  • When Hospital Juggernauts Collide

    I've been meaning to write about this for a while, but I just never could seem to find the time. Both Carolinas Healthcare and Presbyterian Healthcare have applied to the state of North Carolina for a Certificate of Need. What is that, you ask? I'm glad you did….

  • Using Yahoo! Pipes to Extract Data You Want

    Let's say that you've read all the hubbub about aXXo – one of the most popular seeders of movies, whether you like him or don't – and how he suddenly removed all of his torrents from The Pirate Bay. And you want to be sure that you're getting…

  • Where Have All the Streakers Gone?

    Back in the day – let's call it 1974 – streaking was all the rage. Ray Stevens hit it big with his song about streaking. It's like everyone could just enjoy life a little bit more. No one was taking themselves very seriously. Well, maybe Richard Nixon was,…

  • How to Totally Replace Outlook (in Windows)

    For a very long time I was a faithful Outlook user. Well, that's not true. I wasn't really loyal to Outlook specifically or Microsoft generally. I just used Outlook at work and so I used Outlook at home. It was what I knew and I was used to…

  • How Clean Are Your Recyclables?

    According to the recycling guidelines published by the City of Charlotte, if you choose to recycle, if you recycle glass, you should rinse it out. If you recycle plastic spiral cans, you should rinse or wipe out remaining food. Strangely, there is no mention of cleaning plastic. I'm…

  • Failed to Load OpenPGP Keys From Keyrings

    I have been a user of WS_FTP for a while – years, in fact. I can't even tell you when I started using it. I'm sure that it was in the 1990s sometime. But at one point, I started getting this error – Failed to Load OpenPGP Keys…

  • Scott S. Fraser Gives Me More Stock Picks

    A few months back, I profiled the Elite Stock-Market Advisory of Scott S. Fraser, and how I thought it was a remarkably bad investment. As of today, there is a single stock that has actually moved higher from that group, but I have now been chosen as the…

  • Bizarre Ballot Wording Gives Transit Tax Victory

    Last week, one of the more unlikely referendums hit the ballot. Of course, if you're from the Charlotte area, you know that voting for anything in the form of a referendum doesn't mean much anyway, as the city may just override your vote, as they did with the…

  • Intuit Shows That Customer Service Does Matter

    Just about two weeks ago, I mentioned that customer service was really on the decline. Within perhaps 48 hours of that writing, I received a note from a rep who worked for Intuit, and he wanted to know if there was anything that he could to to help…