Bloglines Toolkit 1.7.0

It’s been a monstrous fifteen months since I last updated the Bloglines Toolkit. Frankly, there just isn’t that much of a reason to do so. Unfortunately, the Bloglines Notifier API just hasn’t changed that much. Ever. And since it hasn’t, there just isn’t that much to be done with the toolkit. I did have a branch of the tookit at one time that offered an unread count in the status bar, but since there was so much trouble getting the icon to look right in the first place, I eventually decided against releasing it, and figured I’d just stick with things the way they are.

So why is there an update now? For several reasons. First and foremost, to get some updated languages out there. Some of you may be interested to know that the extension is now available in 13 languages, thanks to the fine folks at BabelZilla. This release includes Danish (da-DK), Italian (it-IT), Korean (ko-KR) and Polish (pl-PL). Second, I wanted to see if things would work in Firefox version 3 (it does), so I updated the MaxVersion string, and made a couple of other tweaks as well. Finally, I updated the copyright dates and web site links.

That’s about it really – functionally, everything else is the same as it ever has been, just in more languages and updated to work in the latest version of Firefox (and it should continue to work in Flock too, but I don’t use Flock, so I don’t know that for sure).

Anyone who is interested in helping to continue the translation effort, head over to BabelZilla and sign up for a language. I’ll include them in the next distribution. Those of you who have already helped out, thanks much!

Get it now. Anyone monitoring for updates may have already been notified that a new version is available. If you haven’t, check for updates – it’s there now!




31 responses to “Bloglines Toolkit 1.7.0”

  1. Chad Everett Avatar

    Hi Kel –

    Check your preferences, to make sure you have enabled any options you want to be active.

  2. Kel Avatar

    Hi Chad

    New Firefox user and I just put your bloglines program on my machine. The text on bloglines says it will:

    “In addition to embedding a notifier within the lower-right portion of the browser window, the extension adds a number of additional options to the right-click context menu. Right click on a web page, and you will have the option to subscribe to it within Bloglines or find references to that page. Highlight text within a web page, and the context menu will offer the option to search Bloglines for that text.”

    When I right-click on the web page there is no selection that says “subscribe to bloglines” – what am i looking for to complete that command?

  3. Andy Avatar

    Worked perfect. Thanks Chad. Like i said…this is my fave plugin.

  4. Chad Everett Avatar

    Hi Andy –

    Assuming that you are using version 1.7.0, if the problem is just the https at the beginning, go into the prefs and turn off the checkbox that says “Use SSL When Available”. It is perhaps a bit misleading – because obviously SSL isn’t available, and it’s still trying to use it. I didn’t put a timeout in there or anything, because it didn’t really work out. But just turn it off and save your prefs and it will try a regular http connection the next time.

    In fact, that’s the default (it’s what is in the strings, anyway) – you have to turn it on. Hope this helps!

  5. Andy Avatar


    I noticed Bloglines toolkit links to

    for whatever odd reason, bloglines is not supporting that url anymore.

    Could you advise on how to change the url to drop the s or provide an update?

    Ive been using this extension for what feels like forever & eternally gracious that you spent your time to make it.


    – Andy

  6. Chad Everett Avatar

    Hi Victor –

    You’ll have to be a bit more specific. I have no problem installing. Can you provide any more information?

  7. Victor Chavez Avatar
    Victor Chavez

    It won’t install now ๐Ÿ™

  8. Samson Luk Avatar
    Samson Luk

    Confirmed, works again now … ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Gregg Avatar

    Thanks guys. They seem to have gotten it working again.

  10. Chad Everett Avatar

    Thanks for the reminder Jonathan – for the rest of you, the instructions are above, in the fourth comment. I can’t make Bloglines work. Sorry!

    (And yes, the Sync API is probably a potential solution, but I still don’t have time to rewrite the extension to do this, and the Sync API may have the same problem.)

    As to an alternate URL – you can do this now, it just takes a bit of work. Open up the btoolkit.dtd file (found in the language-appropriate directory of the distribution file), and edit the appropriate string (the default is btoolkit.url.bloglines). Then save and repackage everything and re-install. It should work fine – basically akin to installing an alternate language. Hope this helps!