Bloglines Toolkit 1.7.0

It’s been a monstrous fifteen months since I last updated the Bloglines Toolkit. Frankly, there just isn’t that much of a reason to do so. Unfortunately, the Bloglines Notifier API just hasn’t changed that much. Ever. And since it hasn’t, there just isn’t that much to be done with the toolkit. I did have a branch of the tookit at one time that offered an unread count in the status bar, but since there was so much trouble getting the icon to look right in the first place, I eventually decided against releasing it, and figured I’d just stick with things the way they are.

So why is there an update now? For several reasons. First and foremost, to get some updated languages out there. Some of you may be interested to know that the extension is now available in 13 languages, thanks to the fine folks at BabelZilla. This release includes Danish (da-DK), Italian (it-IT), Korean (ko-KR) and Polish (pl-PL). Second, I wanted to see if things would work in Firefox version 3 (it does), so I updated the MaxVersion string, and made a couple of other tweaks as well. Finally, I updated the copyright dates and web site links.

That’s about it really – functionally, everything else is the same as it ever has been, just in more languages and updated to work in the latest version of Firefox (and it should continue to work in Flock too, but I don’t use Flock, so I don’t know that for sure).

Anyone who is interested in helping to continue the translation effort, head over to BabelZilla and sign up for a language. I’ll include them in the next distribution. Those of you who have already helped out, thanks much!

Get it now. Anyone monitoring for updates may have already been notified that a new version is available. If you haven’t, check for updates – it’s there now!




31 responses to “Bloglines Toolkit 1.7.0”

  1. Jonathan Wildstrom Avatar
    Jonathan Wildstrom

    The problem’s happened before; it’s a bloglines issue, not a notifier issue.

    I tried to post this a while back, but for some reason, it got eaten. I’ve started using for my feeds. Would it be possible to have a future version of the notifier allow alternate URLs to use?

  2. Gregg Avatar

    Yes, having similar problems myself. Worked fine just a few days ago. Great program, so hope the error is fixed soon!

  3. Samson Luk Avatar
    Samson Luk

    Hi, I have toolkit 1.7.0 working for 2 weeks, this morning I found the “B” no longer report new items in Bloglines although there are 200+ waiting for me, uninstall and reinstall doesn’t help. I left click on the “B” it cannot bring me the Bloglines page but just report no new item. I have to right click and disable the “Notifier Option” in order to get my Bloglines page to load. Any idea what’s going wrong all of a sudden?

  4. Chad Everett Avatar

    @Dirk –

    The Sync API is definitely more robust – it just means I have to figure out how to read the data, not to mention the popop/slider and build a new interface. I’ll add it to my list of things to do. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Dirk Moebius Avatar
    Dirk Moebius

    Chad, You could use the Sync API instead of the Notifier API. It has detailed unread counts, and it works. You could even extend the plugin so that a popup shows which RSS feed has been updated, but that’s just a dream. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  6. Jonathan Wildstrom Avatar
    Jonathan Wildstrom

    Thanks; I remembered something like that, but not how to do it. OK, over to complain at bloglines…

  7. Chad Everett Avatar

    Hi Jonathan –

    This doesn’t have anything to do with the Toolkit. It’s the Bloglines API.

    To test, first log into Bloglines, to see if you have some unread items. Once you do, go here:[email protected]

    Where “[email protected]” is your email address, as registered at Bloglines. You should be able to use your username as well, but the email address always works, and the username doesn’t, so I’d suggest using the email address.

    You should get a response that looks like this:


    The number (0 in this case) is the number of unread items. According to Bloglines (the UI), I have 103 items unread at this moment (items set to not notify will affect this count, so be aware of this).

    In any case, according to the API, as you can see, I have 0. As long as the API reports 0, the Bloglines Toolkit will report the same – it can’t report anything different, unfortunately – but it’s not a Toolkit issue.

  8. Jonathan Wildstrom Avatar
    Jonathan Wildstrom

    I just installed the toolkit 1.7.0 (I had 1.6.8) in the hopes it would resolve an issue I had; alas, it didn’t. I have new messages on the feeds, but the notified doesn’t tell me anymore. This started late last week. IS there some way to turn on logging/debugging and see what’s going on?

  9. Chad Everett Avatar

    Hi KJC –

    Honestly, I can’t say. I’ve never tested it under SeaMonkey. It looks fine under Firefox (2.x and 3.x). Anyone else seeing this? You may want to try re-downloading the extension, to make sure it isn’t corrupt or anything, and just for kicks see if it works in Firefox (or another Mozilla platform).

  10. KJC Avatar

    I downloaded your Bloglines Mozilla Extension, and when I right-click the “B” icon in the lower right corner of my browser, the preferences are in a language other than English. Why is that? I’m using SeaMonkey 1.1.9.