Politics and money shouldn’t go together. I think that a large part of the problem is that the politicians spend money like it isn’t theirs. And a huge percentage of it isn’t. But the even larger problem is that people don’t seem to get that. They want the government to do this or build that and all the while, they are the ones who have to fund those payments.
I don’t understand that disconnect, or how to get that message across to those who don’t understand that the government is not a money-printing machine. It’s a money-recyclying machine, and the money being recycled is ours. Sure, we are “paid” a certain amount of money, but a large part of that paycheck will never be seen by us.
In another strange occurence, when the big oil companies rake in large profits, they have somehow done something wrong. When companies are referred to as “business”, there is a reason for doing so. No one is in the business of going broke (except perhaps the US government).
Yet when GM loses $1.5 billion, no one is crying out for them, and demanding that they be paid money so they don’t go broke. You figure it out.
2 responses to “Politics and Money”
The role of money in politics, sometimes referred to as the monetisation of politics, is a problem which has been with us for a long time.All in all and notwithstanding the minor imperfections listed above, this is a work that comes highly recommended to Lawyers and Political Scientists alike. Sociologists, Electoral Managers and Lawmakers will also find it illuminating and helpful. For anyone interested in what the law is doing and what it ought to be doing in relation to the regulation of the negative influence of money on politics, Law, money and politics is an indispensable work.
In the real world, politics and money are pretty influential. The politics of process, especially when time and money has been invested, is not something I care to partake in. I have too much other important development work to do.