Moron School Schedules

School is almost out in these parts, so I figured I would throw together another entry about the inanity present in our school’s scheduling system.

Our oldest passed his 3rd grade end-of-grade tests a couple of weeks ago. I don’t know that he’s done anything since. Our youngest had a kindergarten graduation on Thursday, and I’m pretty certain that he hasn’t done anything since. To be fair, he didn’t do a whole lot prior to that, either. Yet school doesn’t let out until Wednesday. It was supposed to be Tuesday, but because of extra snow days, there’s another day tacked onto the end of the year.

Look, I understand that certain people say that school must last for a particular number of days. But what I don’t understand is why. What exactly are these kids learning by staying in school and not doing anything? That once you’ve reached a goal, you should just play until the final bell rings? As if we don’t have a problem with that already.




One response to “Moron School Schedules”

  1. dumbpoet Avatar

    Pretty sure it has something to do with the $ schools get from state and local govts. If yours is like ours out West, schools get their $ based on headcount and the number of taught days in room, etc. Not real positive how it works; something like that though.