I was redesigning the plugin pages to get the documentation into a useful format, and found that I needed an anchor tag so that the reader could jump to a particular place in the document.
Recently I’ve tried to get in the habit of checking functionality in Mozilla, as I tend to break my XHTML with a stray ampersand (&) quite often. So I’m testing out these anchors, and they don’t work. Bizarre. I tried using <a id> as well as <a name>, and neither worked.
Finally I stumbled upon a page through Google that mentioned both IE and Mozilla will jump to a particular ID, even if it’s not on an achor tag. For instance, if I create a paragraph with an ID of “anchortext”:
<p id="anchortext">
I am able to use that value in an earlier link (ie, href=”#anchortext”) and have it jump right to that point in the document. Looks like the days of the empty anchor tag are over. Very cool.