Right to Stupidity

This week apparently saw someone ride the falls at Niagara. No barrel, no safety devices. Just man against nature. Maybe that’s the trick. All these people in barrels get thrown all over the place and are eventually pummelled to death. This guy apparently didn’t have any problems, and is even shown walking away from the falls under his own power (he’s also under a towel).

In any case, this is monumentally stupid. Even for Super Dave Osborne, this borders on insanity. But I don’t really have a problem with that. If you want to ride the falls at Niagara, go for it. I’ve been there. Those are some big falls. But hey – if you have nothing better to do, it’s okay by me.

What I don’t understand is why this guy was taken into custody. He may be fined for his actions. For performing an “unlicensed stunt” (as I’ve seen one account mention)? For being a moron? For having nothing better to do one afternoon? This I don’t get. If this guy generates all sorts of copycats – who cares? If someone is dense enough to ride the falls at Niagara, I say let them do it.

Why is the government trying to enforce this sort of thing? I think we ought to encourage the common sense-challenged to undertake more such opportunities. Don’t we live in a country where you should be free to be as stupid as you want to be, without fear of repercussion? When the government steps in to keep you from doing something stupid, it’s just not right.

Update: Apparently the guy was trying to commit suicide. Which makes it bad for him that he didn’t succeed. But my point is the same. Even more so – do you think that being reminded of his inability to do it correctly by being fined for it will really help his state of mind?

