The Angler Fish

So the other night, my son asks me about this fish he saw in Finding Nemo. Normally I might not share such a tale, because it’s probably only memorable to our family – but the answers found from this innocent question were pretty impressive indeed.

You see, the alleged fish has a light on it’s head and huge fangs. I don’t know about you, but I’d never heard of such a beast. In fact, I thought it sounded like someone had been having a little fun in the animation room. I even made the mistake of mentioning that it might not be completely real!

You can imagine my surprise when I finally found a picture of the fish in question. That’s a freaky fish indeed, and it seems that very little imagination would be necessary to get this fellow looking like a scary fish!

So I looked around some more and found all sorts of information, including this little tidbit that seems to provide all the information you might need (sorry, link died). You see, apparently this vicious beast is the female of the species! And you thought human women were bad! Luckily they only live at depths of 1,600 to 10,000 feet!

The luminous organ on her head actually attracts her prey. She can vibrate the thing, too, presumably to attract prey if they’re blind. The worst part is that the male of the species lives only to bond himself to the body of the female and provide his seed so that the species may continue. He’s also a lot smaller and not quite as strange looking!




215 responses to “The Angler Fish”

  1. Heather Avatar

    I have to say that there is a wealth of information on many species of sea creatures on this site. I am intrigued by the angler fish family, and came here by doing a search to learn more about them. They are one of my favorite fish. Thanks to you all for the great links and information. It’s rare to come to one site with so much valid information.
    Have a great day! 🙂

  2. Mitch Avatar

    I like the site doing a projects for school. I am in grade 8

  3. Juliet Avatar

    Thanks for your help. My son Chris needed the information for his science class. You made it very easy to find. I was not too suprised with the authenticity of the fish in Finding Nemo…Disney seems to pride itself on being as authentic as possible with animals…just look at the Lion King.

  4. Daywalker Avatar

    Black Dawn, that cracked me up. Made me think of “Ice Age”, when, at the end Diego tells Sid, “Come on, you know humans can’t talk”

    (Waaaay off topic, but I had to)

  5. nemo Avatar

    Its an exaggerated angler fish.! clancy age 11

  6. Mommy of 2 Avatar
    Mommy of 2

    I think this is the best site I have seen concerning the fish in Nemo I also thank you for taking time out to answer the questions of those who are curious my kids watch this movie at least 15 times a day so I can pretty much quote every word in the movie ha ha ha

  7. black dawn Avatar
    black dawn

    For pictures and info on Angler Fish, there are tons of links in this thread. Just read all these posts and look for the underlined words. There are numerous great resources that you will find here. Start at the the top and work your way down!

  8. black dawn Avatar
    black dawn

    Dori can’t be a Blue Tang! As far as I am aware by extreme and exhaustive research, blue tangs do not have the ability to speak English. I have not checked on the other fish with English speaking abilities yet but I will keep an eye out.

    My point is that I feel that the “monster fish” is a representation of an angler fish, with some added features (but still can talk, clearly a stupid fish) I do think its teeth look like a viper fish, and It seems like the viper fish also has the luminous effect down the sides of it body, other wise the lantern fish is a possible fish with features that were taken from. An animation does not have to be 100% accurate.

    If Finding Nemo was 100% accurate we would have had to have a lot of subtitles and listen to some occasional bubbles, and some water sounds etc.

    Also Clown Fish and Blue Tangs probably can’t swim that deep. The “evil” fish also had to light up more or the whole sequence would have had to happen in the dark with the little blue light moving around the screen, that would have been pretty darn boring! Pixar and Disney had to do what they had to do, to enhance the story line.


  9. Karen Avatar

    If you need pictures and other info on an angler fish, try wesrching the web for “frog fish.” You’ll find lots.

  10. asd Avatar

    who writes this much?